Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza, the “Mouth of the Well of the Itzaes”, is located in the eastern part of the State of Yucatan, 120 km from the City of Merida. This important center combines majesty and nature, an inheritance of the Itzaes that settled down in the IX Century A.D. and held great cultural and political influence over other mayan areas.

The majestic Castle or Pyramid of Kukulcan, 30 m . high, fills the eye. This construction is an imposing example of the inmense depth of the mayas' knowledge of the cosmos. Every year, during the equinox the “Descent of Kukulcan, The Feathered Serpent” can be seen in a marvelous and mythical archi-astronomical phenomenon as a series of isosceles triangles filled with light, formed by the shadows of the rafters of the building.

Chichen Itza also offers a spectacular light and sound show every night, available in four languages.

Tour to Chichen Itza


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