Kohunlich Mayan Ruins, Mexican Caribbean

Kohunlich ruins are loated inthekilometer 60 of the road number 186 that goes from Chetumal, in the state of Quintana Roo to Escárcega, in the state of Campeche. The old name of the site is not known; in English Cohume Ridge was denominated to him, "Hill covered with cobrush".

The archaeologist Víctor Segovia, who discovered it and explored, transcribed Cohume Ridge by Kohumlich; later, this one was transformed into Kohunlich. The archaeological site is on a series of low limestone rock hills that limitin a big zone zone, which extends towards the south until the Hondo river, that is onthe political limits with Belize.

Even though the surface studies demonstrate their great archaeological wealth, the region formed by the nearbystates of Campeche and Quintana Roo, Mexico, and by Belize and Guatemala,is one of the portions of the Mayan area in where smaller number of archaeological investigations has been made. In addition to Kohunlich, in this big zone several archaeological cities exist that were inhabited during many years; in most of the cases, from the Classic one Early (250 to 600 d.C.), when it happened the abandonment of great part of the cities of the Classic named time Mayan.


Image Gallery Kohunlich Mayan Ruins

Kohunlich Mayan Ruins, Mexican CaribbeanKohunlich Mayan Ruins, Mexican CaribbeanKohunlich Mayan Ruins, Mexican CaribbeanKohunlich Mayan Ruins, Mexican Caribbean