
Uxmal, “Three Times Built”, located 78 km from Merida, has a history rich in legends, myths and anecdotes. The city is located in a hilly region known as the “Puuc” region, a mayan word for “mountain range” later given to the distinctive architectonic style of the archaeological sites in the region.

Uxmal is the most representative example of this style: The “Governor's House” and “Temple of the Wizard”, 35 m . high, considered by experts as architectonic marvel for their precise construction and beauty.

It is due to these factors that Uxmal received the title “Patrimony of Humanity” years ago.

Uxmal offers a light and sound show every night.

All together, Uxmal, Sayil, Labna, X'lapak and Kabah represent the Puuc style distinguished by the prominence of “Chaac”, the rain god, who is venerated, conjured, requested through the magical repetition of his image.

Hotels in Uxmal


Image Gallery Uxmal Ruins

Uxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan RuinsUxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan RuinsUxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan RuinsUxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan Ruins