Puuc Route

The Pucc route consists in the archaeological sites that are located south of the state of Yucatan, Puuc Maya means hill and is called so because all sites in this area have a similar architectural style. This style is characterized by its fine finish and many details in stone. Most sites are in the jungle so lush vegetation and fauna have become typical of them, giving it a rustic and natural.

Some characteristic features of the set include Puuc pyramid topped by crests; small and false columns embedded in the facades, and stylized figurations of Mayan huts. They are also widely used the diamonds and the frets, to which are added some figurative elements such as snakes and masks of Chac, the god of the rain, characterized by big eyes, a mouth fitted with large fangs and especially a prominent nose and horn-shaped curve. Such decoration is made up of many pieces of stone, previously cut and then assembled tile manner, producing a decorative effect.

There are several tanks in this area to collect water from the rains, as there was no other source of supply of the vital fluid, which is why in the Puuc Chaac representations are so many and they were so important, because that the Mayans worshiped asking for enough rain. It starts the journey taking course south following the signs to Uxmal. In Muna continues sign posted : Loltun found on the left side. We recommend starting by Lol-tun, so you can make a "tour" led to the caves during the morning.

The next destination is Labna city sometime residence site from 1500 to 2500 people and left between 750 and 1000 AD and which is currently being restored four of its buildings. Continuing along the winding road to reach X-Lapak (walls without mortar), a site with fourteen mounds and three half-restored pyramids.

Five kilometers later is Sayil "The Place of the Ants". At the entrance is an outdoor museum protected by a roof of guano (straw). Note the huge stele dating from 800 to 1000 AD. This site is home to an interesting palace that has 90 cameras to 350. Since the highest level of the palace you can see the church of Santa Elena and the road beyond the side of a mountain a tiny ruin named "The Nine Masks." Staying on the road, the next stop will Kabah. Famous for his "Palace of the Masks of Chac" (god of rain).

Also here is the much-photographed arch is believed to be the center of the city and the entrance ALSAC-be (Maya white road-road) running to Uxmal. In this same way just a few kilometers away Uxmal. It is the most "manicured" and last stop of this route, the city is "built three times" with the colossal "Pyramid of the Magician", the stunning "Governor's Palace", the complicated "Doves Temple" and "The Great Nunnery. " Do not miss the grand spectacle of light and sound is offered in the evenings.

Image gallery of the Mayan ruins of the Puuc Route

Uxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan RuinsUxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan RuinsUxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan RuinsUxmal & Puuc Route, Mayan Ruins