Laguna Bacalar is the second largest sweet water lake in Mexico . It’s a beautifull lagoon with incredible cristal waters with many diferent blue colors and green surronded of green vegetarion in the midle of the jungle. Its breathtaking scenery is still little known by international tourism. 

But this will soon change since developers, retired or semiretired citizens, tourism and local authorities are now realizing the enormous potential of this incredibly beautiful area. 

Now there are som rustioc hotels and cabañas and other ones with more comfort.

Bacalar, on the edge of the Lagoon of Seven Colors in the state of Quintana Roo, provides a wealth of history and magic. This town cultivates the memories of its ancestors: fishermen, merchants, warriors and poets.  

Bacalar, Costa Maya

Laguna Bacalar is a large fresh water lake. The color of the water is amazingly turquoise and the lake is surrounded by jungle. The village lies directly on the lake and give a perfect opportunity for some good swimming and canoeing. Especially at the south end where there are wetland channels and a small outlet called the Rio Chaak is attractive . The swimming in this fast current creek is great