After the founding of the city of Merida in 1542 and named its first authorities, took the division and allocation of plots among neighbors according to the plan proposed by Governor Francisco de Montejo, who reserved for himself the entire block of south side of the square. Shortly after Francisco de Montejo'' The Porter'' by orders of his father, built what would become the home of the conquistadors, work ending in 1549, being the son of the conqueror precisely who mainly inhabit the house, he died in the year 1543 in Spain.

Montejo House

In heritance Francisco de Montejo "El Mozo" received from his fatherand he shared with his wife, Andrea del Castillo, who at the death of her spouse was heir to the house . In late 1839 he believed that Mr. Simon bought Pawn and Pawn, who died in 1869 when he inherited his widow and his son Jose Maria Peon Losa. In 1914 Mrs. Mary inherited Eduviges Pawn and Pawn, married to Mr. Manuel de Arrigunaga and Gutierrez, who made several reforms to the building.

Montejo House

It is a building with Renaissance motifs , a bit Gothic and Indian influences. In the portal you can admire, at the top, the coat of arms of Montejo and two Spanish soldiers, on the alert, resting on the heads of Indians : The original building is preserved today only its facade portal carved in stone , the rest of the house was modified to taste of its owners and times. Located at 63 Street and 60 and 62 built in 1549. It was the home of the Yucatán conquistador and founder of the city of Merida, Francisco de Montejo the Now is located around the National Bank of Mexico.

Montejo House