Located right in the center of the Yucatan, Valladolid is a beautiful little colonial town known as "the capital of eastern maya". It was founded in 1543 and became an important center of the colony. Besides being a nice place to meet, is a strategic point to build on and learn from there many places around as Chichen Itza, Ek Balam, Loltún caves and several cenotes. One particular attraction is the cenote Zací Valladolid located just a few blocks from the central square.

This cenote is open, so that the income of the sun allows the growth of several floating plants. Getting down is required only small steps that give depth.

Cenotes Valladolid, Cenote Zaci Valladolid, Cenote Xkeken, Cenote Sambula

The cenote Zací is a symbol of this city, located east of Yucatan, a wonder of nature and a mysterious and exciting adventure, the magic that holds in its whimsical rock formations and the legend that surrounds him. Located near the main square of the Sultana of the East, is one of the cenotes open largest and most impressive of the Peninsula. The water mirror, oval shaped, is 28 meters in diameter at the largest and 25 in A minor, and the height between the ceiling and the surface aquifer is 26 meters. Around the walls are arranged structures shaped stone staircases that allow visitors to walk around and admire the wide range of freshwater fish.

Cenotes Valladolid, Cenote Zaci Valladolid, Cenote Xkeken, Cenote Sambula

Zací cenote facilities are open every day of the year from 8 am to 7 pm. A 3 km away from Valladolid, the Dzinup population, is the Cenote X'Keken, with the legend that precedes him. To enter Dzitnup should go down the stairs and go into a cave where the large pool of water. The cave has several angles and beautiful natural formations, stalactites and stalagmites. A small hole in the cave ceiling lets in a ray of sunlight that falls into the water, creating a unique atmosphere. Upon entering you will notice that it is a narrow hole, is because it is an underground cavern, but upon arrival you will be dazzled by the natural beauty. This cenote has three entrances, railings on the edges and some small steps made of stone that are located on the outside. This Cenote is open to the public from 7 am until 5 pm.

Just a kilometer from this one the Cenote is X'Keken Sambulá its located. It is a magnificent underground cavern that will leave you speechless for its natural beauty and the spaciousness of the place. The people in charge of the care of this place has been commissioned to clean and form different paths that not only lead to the entrance of cenote but their craft stalls, in the course of the walk you can see around, and fill you good vibes that there is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Cenotes Valladolid, Cenote Zaci Valladolid, Cenote Xkeken, Cenote Sambula

To enter the cenote should carefully down the stairs that are made of stone, upon entering find a class where you can admire from the top of the spectacular view of the place and will certainly admire it, continuing the journey down to second level stairs made of wood, here you will observe inland from another angle, and to complete lower and there find a platform where if you want you can swim, snorkel, and to experience diving in the deep end.

The turquoise waters are illuminated by a hole in the top of the cave where you can see the hanging roots of a tree that was cut into the surface, however he is still alive because the water keeps him fed, if you observe the water you will see the fishes that live there also admire where parts are deep.

Cenotes Valladolid, Cenote Zaci Valladolid, Cenote Xkeken, Cenote Sambula