Majestic, the theater "Jose Peon Contreras" rears its imposing building in las57 crossing in front of the main building of the University of Yucatan, south of the park are located and visited the Mother of Jesus Catholic church, better known as the Third Order. One block north, are the Santa Lucia Park, well known because there are concerts with the Yucatecan orchestra Thursdays and Sundays from craft sales.

The origin of this building, we find in the year 1899, when the'' Company'' Theatre of Merida acquired, the land where it was built. In a neoclassical building. Built from 1900 to 1908 under the direction of Italian architects to benefit the arts and culture of Yucatan. The building is neoclassical French, opened in 1908. It has a spacious living room that highlights vestibular monumental staircase of marble leading to the auditorium and the upper foyer. The room contains 3 levels and distribution boxes and a gallery.

The facade reminiscent of great European theaters of the time. In the center of the dome or dome hangs a chandelier whose arms are cut iridescent glass. The bow has scenic side Corinthian columns, with the variations required by building systems and materials in the region even though many of them were imported, richly decorated inside with sufficient breadth and majesty. From 1912 it was used as a theater stage-peak seasons and in 1940 was the "Peon Contreras Cinema" and it worked well for over 30 years until it was closed due to deterioration. In 1981 it was reopened as a theater.

Located on 60th Street for 57 and 57-A, this theater is named after the poet, novelist, playwright, essayist, physician and politician Jose Peon Contreras Yucatan (1843-1907). It is currently the most important cultural center of the ICY (Yucatan Culture Institute). It has three temporary exhibition halls, restaurant, library and a tourist information booth.