The cenote Zací is a symbol of the city of Valladolid in eastern Yucatan, a wonder of nature and a mysterious, exciting adventure, the magic that holds in its stony whimsical shapes and legend that surrounds him. Located near the main square of the Sultana of the East, is one of the cenotes open largest and most impressive of the Peninsula.

Cenote Zaci, Cenote Valladolid

The water mirror, oval shaped, is 28 meters in diameter at the largest and 25 in A minor, and the height between the ceiling and the surface aquifer is 26 meters. Around the walls are arranged structures shaped stone staircases that allow visitors to walk around and admire the wide range of freshwater fish.

Cenote Zaci, Cenote Valladolid

Zací, Mayan word meaning "white hawk", was the name of the pre-Hispanic city upon which was founded in 1543 the present city of Valladolid. Today Zací relates directly to the cenote, a natural attraction that generates significant tourism development. The cenote has parking and Yucatecan specialty restaurant, where you can delight with the best dishes of the region such as Valladolid loin, roasted suckling pig, stuffed cheese, marinated oriental or chicken pibil poc chuc among others, accompanied by a fine selection of cold drinks. Besides selling crafts and a small zoo of birds typical of the region. Hours are 8:00 am to 19:00.

Cenote Zaci, Cenote Valladolid